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How to Transform Your Concrete Workspace Into a Liveable Room

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Modern design is all about re-purposing old areas and workspaces into places where people want to live and hang out in. There are so many older, industrial buildings and warehouses that have been converted into restaurants, hotels, retail shops and even homes that the trend is clearly taking hold. However, one problem that you will have if you tried to do this yourself, say to your garage or your basement, is the concrete itself. How do you make something so ugly and uninviting into something people find interesting and homely? There is a simple answer: concrete polishing. Read on to learn more about concrete polishing services. 

How Does Concrete Polishing Work?

The idea of polishing concrete might sound bizarre but it makes a lot of sense when you understand what goes into it. First of all, the top few layers of your concrete are sanded down with a special machine that slowly uses finer and finer grits. This leaves a very smooth but exposed surface that is then covered in an epoxy sealant. This sealant creates a beautiful, mirror-like surface that looks like something out of a movie rather than a feature you could have in your own home. All it takes then is a few finishing touches by your concrete polishing contractor and your new floor should last you as long, if not longer, than the last.

Out With the Old—In With the New

When you sand or grind down your concrete floor you also conveniently get rid of all the imperfections that were once there. Any stains or scratch marks that were present on the top of your concrete will now be gone, and the floor will look brand new. You can also customise your look by adding interesting designs that will go underneath your epoxy coating. Always check out what options your concrete polishing services offer before you make your final decision!

How Is It Still Strong?

Concrete polishing services do not compromise the strength of the concrete for several reasons. Firstly, concrete is structurally quite stable all the way through, so as long as you don't have a giant crack in it, there are very few ways you can damage the concrete long term. Secondly, the epoxy sealant that is put on top of the concrete does more than just create a pretty surface, it acts as a cover for your concrete against liquids, sharp objects and anything else that might scuff it up and cause the beginning of long-term damage. Often the concrete is actually more resistant to erosion after the polishing has been done.
